Moving to Level 3
What LEVEL 3 restrictions mean for Hearing Excellence.
Hope you have all kept well through the last month ... and sympathies if any of you have lost family members or friends to Covid19. We think all NZers should feel really proud that the vast majority of us managed the situation as well as could be wished for.
The change to Level 3 restriction tomorrow is a welcome sign of our progress but it does still restrict the services available to you from all of the Allied Health professions such as Audiology.
We remain unable to open the clinic for routine face-to-face appointments during Level 3 ... but we can continue the sending of batteries and consumables and help manage any necessary aid repairs remotely.
We also remain unable to offer the ‘Open Clinics’ and the visiting Ear Nurse clinic and these will probably need postponing even when we drop to Level 2 restrictions.
The best thing to do remains to simply email or phone us if you have any hearing problems and we will continue to do our best to help you. We have remotely helped about 70 patients over the last month with phone or email advice, sending out consumables and loan aids … and just having some nice chats as we all have spare time it seems!
Yesterday Anzac Day was a different way for all to remember the brave service-folk and and I suppose we should try to muster some of their spirit to tide us over until we are back to a more normal life.